Friday, June 20, 2008

piclens add on for firefox 3

Full-Screen, 3D -- PicLens transforms your browser into a visually stunning experience for finding and viewing online photos and videos. Their "3D Wall" lets you effortlessly search and zoom your way around thousands of images, videos, news feeds, sports feeds, and more. See the demo at

Download it from


Unknown said...

Thank you for posting about PicLens! We truly appreciate it.

We're delighted to hear that you are enjoying PicLens.
The newest version, PicLens 1.7, includes three exciting additions:

* Shop Amazon-- The 3D Wall transformed image search. Now PicLens launches online shopping into the 21st century. Browse and buy seamlessly just like window shopping!
* Discover-- MSNBC, ESPN, movie trailers…Get the latest news, photos, and video feeds.
* Return to PicLens-- An essential for playing with pictures: toggle in and out of your desktop, the browser, and PicLens!

Thanks again,
Luna and The Cooliris Team

Insanity Rulz said...

Tried it on a Windows box, it was amazing. But has a lot of scope for improvement - the pictures often look blurred

Nagendra HK said...

You should allow the photo to load and once it loads completely, it becomes very clear

Insanity Rulz said...

I am not sure what you mean by waiting.
It takes only time for the first load, after that there is no delay involved

It can render approx 50% of the pictures clearly (may be even less)
And I tried it on a number of albums

Nagendra HK said...

From what I have noticed, when piclens starts, it loads the images partially and everything is blur. But when you click on every photo, you need to give it time to load the image. When you move on to other photos and then come back to the previous ones (which was already loaded), the images are very clear.

Insanity Rulz said...

I figured out the problem. I have large image size and a large number of images. Pic lens loads each image when you select it. This was taking considerable amount of time and I was browsing very fast.