A few years ago, there was an Ad on Indian Television for a Bullet Electra.The Ad shows a train approaching a railway crossing which slows down. Then a man comes on a bullet and crosses the railway track. And the we see the caption 'Everybody makes way for a bullet'. Yes,that's how the
Royal En-field Bullet is treated.

These days, I posses one - a
500 CC bullet - The most powerful bike on Indian roads. For long, it was my dream to get one. I had driven a 100 CC bike for many years and it was time to graduate. I was hoping to buy a 350 CC, but to my surprise, I have landed up with something more powerful.
The best part of riding a bullet is not speed or acceleration. The feel is different. The rich humming sound is a music to ears. It is a pleasure going at a the steady speed and accelerating gradually. The body resonates to the sound of this machine. With those wide handles and a
cruiser seat, I get a royal ride. With a 22BHP, the rides are ecstatic.
When I go on the road, people give me way as I approach them. At traffic signals, from the corner of the eye, I notice people are staring at my machine with admiration. Somepeople even have a friendly chat with me and enquire about this beauty. When I stand next to a bus, I can notice that people from all the windows are watching. It feels good to be the center of attraction. I know that they are not watching or admiring me, but it still feels good as you are the owner of the
wonderful instrument.
There was a time in Bangalore, when bullets were used by all police officers. So, whenever a bullet sound was heard, people gathering in the dark corners of the street would disappear. So, even whencommon man rode a bullet, he got the same respect. Today, the Bullet has become more common with the introduction of user friendly Thunderbirds and Electras which have eliminated a lot of problems that a classic bullet had.
In many ways, I can compare a bullet to girl friend or wife
- People on the road give you an envious look.
- High maintenance.
- You have to be very gentle while starting. If you are rough, she will backfire and hurt you.
- You will enjoy her company and want to be with her more often.
- Weighs a lot.
- Not easy to handle. You need to master the art.
- Loud :)
When I speak to my friends, I get some interesting thoughts
- Bullets are like (old) buses, you have to roll/rock in gear a bit for the gear teeth to get
the idea of shifting anywhere.
- Talking about fixing things is fine, actually doing it will be trouble.
- Tyre pressure 20 Front 25 Back
Anything more it is assrured that superb shocks in bullet will take you
directly to HOSMAT !
- Are you not able to change gears ?
If you can .... ignore it.... its like software... more closer you
look more money you will spend with diminishing returns and at the risk
of introducing new defects to a previously working piece :-)