Every year, Employees of Sun Microsystems dedicate a week for
Global volunteering program. India Engineering Center (IEC) is also very active during this week. One of the events as a part of the Volunteer program, was to clean up the plastic waste at 'Sangama', a popular picnic spot at the intersection of rivers kaveri and Arkavati. Close by is a '
MekedaaTu', another famous getaway from Bangalore. Lot of tourists visit these places every year and leave a lot of plastic waste. Employees of Sun along with volunteers from '
Clean and Green' go on a cleaning program along the banks of river kaveri.

Last year (2007), we all had been to Muttatthi and this year they had chosen 'Sangama'. Along with my family (mom, wife, sister and nephew) I joined the team of volunteers at Sangama. The place was a big mess with plastic covers, bottles, gutka packets etc. A group of 60 volunteers worked for 3 hours in the scorching heat to collect 220 KG of plastic waste. The plastic waste was handed to a plastic company in Kanakpura who use it for laying tar for road.
Last year we had collected 303 kgs of plastic at muttatti. You can read about it on
April 14 2007 - Mega Acitivity @ MuttathiThe same day evening, I had to attend a wedding reception. I met a few friends at the wedding and told them about the clean and green activity and they appreciated our effort.

In most of the South Indian weddings, the guests are given 'Tamboola' (coconut and beetle leaves) as a tradition. It is believed that the guests who attend the wedding should not be sent empty handed and hence there is a tradition of giving tamboola. The practice is to give the tamboola in a plastic cover. My friend told me that in the wedding, they had decided not to use plastic and hence they gave the tamboola in a paper bag, with a very nice note on it. The note requested people to reduce the usage of plastic. click on the image to read the note.
A letter to Reliance Industries
Very nice to see people realizing the need to reduce the usage of plastics. I make it a point to carry a bag all the time in my car and specially while going for grocery/vegetable shopping I never take any plastic bags from the vendors/supermarkets and use the one I carry along. Doing my bit to reduce the usage of plastic bags !!
Hi Nagendra,
Can I have your email id?
I need some information about the Kedarkantha trek of Youth Hostel.
I read your blog about it. It was really informative.
Me and my friends are planning to go this year.
Please mail me on shriniwas_mene@yahoo.co.in
Thanks in advance.
super ree... bombaat... muttatti li ondu kaaladalli naanu kooda ee kelsadalli bhaagi aagidde... :-)
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